What is the file limit for uploads to BUD and what file types can I use?
The following file formats are supported:
- Adobe PDF (.pdf)
- Microsoft PowerPoint (.ppt/.pptx/)
- Microsoft Word (.doc/.docx/.rtf/.otd)
- Microsoft Excel (.xls/ .xlsx/ .csv/)
- Most .txt files
- Most image files (.jpg .png)
- Most audio files (.m4a, .mp3, .wma, .avi, .mov, .mp4, .wav)
- E-mail files (.msg, .eml, .emlx)
- Code files (.ipynb, .r, .rmd, .html, .py, .json)
- SCORM Packs (.zip for SCORM 1.2 or SCORM 2004)
- The file size may not exceed 500 MB.
- File names cannot contain special characters (&, £, " etc)